Are you suffering from emotional exhaustion?
There’s a lot going on in the world right now and emotional exhaustion is just one more problem many are facing. Here are a few tips to help you replenish yourself:
Find balance – how much time are spending thinking or worrying or even trying to solve the problems and stresses? Try to make sure you’re spending time doing things that bring you joy and laughter and peace right now too.
Get creative – tapping into your creativity can be a great way to reduce anxiety and stress and focus on something you enjoy.
Get enough sleep – taking steps to improve your sleep will help your body and mind restore and repair itself (and if you need a little extra help, reflexology has been shown to improve sleep quality).
Take a break – if it’s the news, social media, or even someone you’re talking to regularly that’s adding to the stress and worry, take some time to disconnect from this source.
Exercise – it can feel hard to make it a priority, but start small and slow and build up as you can, even just a short stroll around the neighborhood can help you move some of that stress out of your body.
Relaxation and self-care – meditating, yoga, reflexology, deep breathing, etc. adding more time for relaxation and self-care will help reset your stress levels and help you cope better with stress going forward.