Looking for Seasonal Allergy Relief?
Did you know there are several reflexology points I can focus on to help you with your seasonal allergies? Whether you call it hay fever, allergies, or the medical term allergic rhinitis, it can be miserable.
When you breathing in allergens, it causes irritation and inflammation in the nasal passages because your immune system is reacting to the allergen which leads to the symptoms we associate with allergies.
A 2008 Ohio State study found that, “even slight stress and anxiety can substantially worsen a person’s allergic reaction to some routine allergens. Moreover, the added impact of stress and anxiety seem to linger, causing the second day of a stressed person's allergy attack to be much worse.”
Luckily reflexology can help. For some, reflexology essentially “cures” them to where they no longer suffer, while others find some symptom relief. The best way to see if it can help you is to try it yourself.
If your allergies are flaring, let me know and I can give extra attention to the head, neck, and chest areas on your feet (or hands) during a reflexology session to help with the itchy eyes and throat, runny nose, sneezing, sinus congestion, post-nasal drip, and headaches you get from your allergies.
A few of the specific points that can help include:
Stimulating the adrenal gland to help reduce inflammation
Working the sinus points on the toes and fingers can help open up the sinuses
The pituitary point on the big toe helps balance your hormones
Working the lungs and bronchial reflexes helps you release congestion
The thymus helps strengthen your immune system
The solar plexus relaxes your breathing and can help reduce stress
Lymph glands help flush the toxins and unclog the lymph system
Let’s see what reflexology can do for you and your allergies!