World Reflexology Week
World Reflexology Week is September 21 to 27 and I need your help to celebrate it right this year!
My goal is to help NEW people learn about how reflexology can help them. To help me reach this goal, can you think of 2 people you know who haven’t tried reflexology but would love it once they do and share this with them or share one of my posts on social media with them?
For those that refer 2 people, I will give you ONE SESSION FREE*! Appointments must be booked during Reflexology Week (September 21-27) and can be used anytime prior to December 31, 2020.
(*Free Reflexology session will be given after both new clients complete their session.)
While you have your own reasons for choosing reflexology, the benefits people notice can vary depending on what health issues they are facing. Here’s a list of people who may find it helps them (and I’d love to know which of these groups of people you didn’t know could be helped by reflexology).
People with plantar fasciitis and other types of foot pain often find relief from reflexology
Athletes say it helps healing from and even preventing injuries
Cancer patients say it helps reduce pain, sickness, and anxiety
People with seasonal allergies say it reduces symptoms and may even clear them completely
Arthritis sufferers find it helps reduce pain and anxiety, and improves sleep
People with multiple sclerosis find relief from a number of symptoms
Diabetics with Type 2 diabetes especially find it helps improve nerve conductivity and reduces pain
Those with sleep issues often find reflexology helps them sleep better
Military veterans and active duty can get relief from PTSD and related symptoms
People, especially those who have suffered abuse or trauma, have reasons to prefer staying fully clothed during reflexology (as opposed to a massage for example) as well as preferring more limited body contact where I’m just working on the feet or hands.
Alzheimer’s and dementia patients benefit both from the touch contact as well as may experience reduced pain and anxiety
Migraine sufferers have found reflexology to reduce the duration and severity
Women have found it can help with fertility issues, as well as relief from postpartum discomforts
Women in labor have also found reflexology during labor can decrease the intensity and pain
People with tension and pain in many parts of the body including the neck, back, hips, knees, shoulder, etc. find that reflexology reduces pain and tension and increases mobility
People who feel stressed are able to relax deeply and reduce the levels of stress they are holding onto
Reflexology also helps boost the immune system, improves circulation, balances the systems of the body, improves mood, improves concentration, encourages lymph drainage, and so much more
This is just a small list really of the groups of people who can and do benefit from reflexology.
I love being able to help people with a safe and natural solution to ease stress along with many other ailments. Reflexology works and I can’t wait to share it with your friends and family too.